Cassandra Query Cheat Sheet


8 min read

1. Introduction

Sometimes, we need a quick reference guide to get started in our learning path. In particular, a cheat sheet is a document that contains all the critical information.

In this tutorial, we’ll learn the essential concepts of Cassandra query language (CQL) and how to apply them using a cheat sheet that we’ll build along the way.

2. Cassandra at a Glance

Apache Cassandra is an open-source, NoSQL, and distributed data storage system. This means instead of being able to live only on one server, it spreads across multiple servers. It’s also known for its high availability and partition tolerance.

To put it another way, the design of the Cassandra database is inspired by the “AP” of the CAP theorem.

Furthermore, Cassandra is a masterless architecture, is massively scalable, and above all, provides easy fault detection and recovery.

3. Data Types

Generally, Cassandra supports a rich set of data types. These include native types, collection types, user-defined types, and tuples, together with custom types.

3.1. Native Types

The native types are the built-in types and provide support to a range of constants in Cassandra.

To begin with, a string is a very popular datatype in the programming world.

CQL offers four different datatypes for strings:

Data TypeConstants SupportedDescription
asciistringASCII character string
inetstringIPv4 or IPv6 address string
textstringUTF8 encoded string
varcharstringUTF8 encoded string

A boolean has one of two possible values, either true or false:

Data TypeConstants SupportedDescription
booleanbooleantrue or false

Using the blob data type, we can store images or multimedia data as a binary stream in a database:

Data TypeConstants SupportedDescription
blobblobArbitrary bytes

Duration is a three-signed integer that represents months, days, and nanoseconds:

Data TypeConstants SupportedDescription
durationdurationA duration value

Cassandra offers a wide range of data types for integer data:

Data TypeConstants SupportedDescription
tinyintinteger8-bit signed int
smallintinteger16-bit signed int
intinteger32-bit signed int
bigintinteger64-bit signed long
variantintegerArbitrary-precision integer
counterintegerCounter column (64-bit signed)

For integer and float, we have three data types:

Data TypeConstants SupportedDescription
decimalinteger, floatVariable precision decimal
doubleinteger, float64-bit floating-point
floatinteger, float32-bit floating-point

For date- and time-related needs, Cassandra provides three data types:

Data TypeConstants SupportedDescription
dateinteger, stringA date value (without time)
timeinteger, stringA time value (without date)
timestampinteger, stringA timestamp (with date & time)

Generally, we have to avoid collision while using the INSERT or UPDATE commands:

Data TypeConstants SupportedDescription
uuiduuidA UUID (any version)
timeuuiduuidA version 1 UUID

3.2. Collection Types

When a user has multiple values against one field in a relational database, it’s common to store them in a separate table. For example, a user has numerous bank accounts, contact information, or email addresses. Therefore, we need to apply joins between two tables to retrieve all the data in this case.

Cassandra provides a way to group and store data together in a column using collection types.

Let’s quickly look at those types:

  • set – unique values; stored as unordered

  • list – can contain duplicate values; order matters

  • map – data stores in the form of key-value pairs

3.3. User-Defined Types

User-defined types give us the liberty to attach multiple data fields in a single column:

CREATE TYPE student.basic_info (
  birthday timestamp,
  race text,
  weight text,
  height text

3.4. Tuple Type

A tuple is an alternative to a user-defined type. It’s created using angle brackets and a comma delimiter to separate the types of elements it contains.

Here are the commands for a simple tuple:

-- create a tuple
CREATE TABLE subjects (
  k int PRIMARY KEY,
  v tuple<int, text, float>

-- insert values
INSERT INTO subjects  (k, v) VALUES(0, (3, 'cs', 2.1));

-- retrieve values
SELECT * FROM subjects;Copy

4. Cassandra CQL Commands

Let’s look at several categories of CQL commands.

4.1. Keyspace Commands

The first thing to remember is that a keyspace in Cassandra is much like a database in RDBMS. It is an outermost container of data that defines the replication strategy and other options, particularly for all the keyspace tables. With this in mind, a good general rule is one keyspace per application.

Let’s look at the related commands:

CREATE keyspaceCREATE KEYSPACE keyspace_name WITH replication = {‘class’:’SimpleStrategy’, ‘replication_factor’ : 2};To create a keyspace.
DESCRIBE keyspaceDESCRIBE KEYSPACES;It will list all the key spaces.
USE keyspaceUSE keyspace_name;This command connects the client session to a keyspace.
ALTER keyspaceALTER KEYSPACE keyspace_name WITH REPLICATION = { ‘class’ : ‘SimpleStrategy’, ‘replication_factor’ : 3 } AND DURABLE_WRITES = false;To alter a keyspace.
DROP keyspaceDROP KEYSPACE keyspace_name;To drop a keyspace.

4.2. Table Commands

In Cassandra, a table is also referred to as a column family. We already know the importance of a primary key. However, it is mandatory to define the primary key while creating the table.

Let’s review these commands:

CREATE tableCREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name UUID PRIMARY KEY, column_name text, column_name text, column_name timestamp);To create a table.
ALTER tableALTER TABLE table_name ADD column_name int;It will add a new column to a table.
ALTER tableALTER TABLE table_name ALTER column_name TYPE datatype;We can change the data type of an existing column.
ALTER tableALTER TABLE table_name WITH caching = {‘keys’ : ‘NONE’, ‘rows_per_partition’ : ‘1’ };This command helps to alter the properties of a table.
DROP tableDROP TABLE table_name;To drop a table.
TRUNCATE tableTRUNCATE table_name;Using this, we can remove all the data permanently.

4.3. Index Commands

Instead of scanning a whole table and waiting for results, we can use indexes to speed up queries. However, we must remember that the primary key in Cassandra is already indexed. Therefore, it cannot be used for the same purpose again.

Let’s look at the commands:

CREATE indexCREATE INDEX index_name on table_name (column_name);To create an index.
DELETE indexDROP INDEX IF EXISTS index_name;To drop an index.

4.4. Basic Commands

These commands are used to read and manipulate the table values:

INSERTINSERT INTO table_name (column_name1, column_name2) VALUES(value1, value2);To insert a record in a table.
SELECTSELECT * FROM table_name;The command is used to fetch data from a specific table.
WHERESELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name\=value;It filters out records on a predicate.
UPDATEUPDATE table_name SET column_name2\=value2 WHERE column_name1\=value1;It is used to edit records.
DELETEDELETE identifier FROM table_name WHERE condition;This statement deletes the value from a table.

4.5. Other Commands

Cassandra has two different types of keys: partition key and clustering key. A partition key indicates the node(s) where the data is stored.

In comparison, the clustering key determines the order of data within a partition key:

ORDER BYSELECT * FROM table_name WHERE column_name1 = value ORDER BY cloumn_name2 ASC;For this, the partition key must be defined in the WHERE clause. Also, the ORDER BY clause represents the clustering column to use for ordering.
GROUP BYSELECT column_name FROM table_name GROUP BY condition1, condition2;This clause only supports with Partition Key or Partition Key and Clustering Key.
LIMITSELECT * FROM table_name LIMIT 3;For a large table, limit the number of rows retrieved.

5. Operators

Cassandra supports both arithmetic and conditional types of operators. Under the arithmetic operators, we have +, -, *, /, %, and – (unary) for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, reminder, and negation, respectively.

The WHERE clause is significant in Cassandra. The conditional operators are used in this clause with certain scenarios and limitations. These operators are CONTAINS, CONTAINS KEY, IN, =, >, >=, <, and <=.

6. Common Functions

Without a doubt, functions, either aggregate or scalar, play an essential part in transforming values from one to another. For this reason, Cassandra offers several native functions in both categories.

Let’s look at those functions:

  • Blob conversion functions

  • UUID & Timeuuid functions

  • Token function

  • WRITETIME function

  • TTL function

  • TOKEN function

  • MIN(), MAX(), SUM(), AVG()

Along with these native functions, it also allows users to define the functions and aggregates.

7. Conclusion

In this short article, we’ve seen what the building blocks of Cassandra’s query language are. First, we studied the data types it supports and how to define them. Then, we looked at common commands to perform database operations. Finally, we discussed the operators and functions of the language.